Centring people, joy, and growth in how we work

Systemic Justice team

The concept of guardianship underlines the importance of building an organisational culture that enables pursuing the mission, allowing individuals to step in and out of that guardian role along the way. 

Building better recruitment

illustration of people with different physical characteristics building a construction by putting blocks together

A key part of building an organisation is building a team, which is why we have thought long and hard about how to develop recruitment practices which improve on what is typically a taxing process for everyone involved. Here are ten of the key things we are doing.

Highlights from our summer retreat 

A montage of pictures of the Systemic Justice team during the summer retreat

As a fully remote team, our regular in-person retreats are a much-valued time to connect, strategise, and enjoy one another’s company. We had our second retreat of the year in the beautiful Northern Irish countryside last June, with our team and board meeting to spend the week together.