Reclaiming Climate Justice Summit

A Black, Indigenous and People of Colour gathering to join forces on climate justice

21-23 October 2024, Denmark

On 21-23 October 2024, Systemic Justice will host the Reclaiming Climate Justice Summit in Tisvilde, Denmark.

The Summit will gather 30 BIPOC climate justice leaders for 3 days of meaningful engagement, creativeness, networking, and capacity-building. It will lay the foundation for an independent initiative connecting BIPOC-led grassroots organisations, movements and collectives in Europe who are resisting climate, racial, social, and economic injustice and who want to pursue a shared vision for true climate justice. 

While marginalised communities are disproportionately affected by the climate crisis, the voices and perspectives of BIPOC communities are insufficiently centred in the climate movement.  In addition, by failing to understand the way climate intersect with different systems of oppression, the climate space is not structurally working towards climate justice. In this context, it is essential that the BIPOC community reclaims the concept of ‘climate justice’ by setting the terms of the debate and by initiating concrete actions.  

Together, we can work to build the power of BIPOC leaders and emerging voices in Europe’s climate space to secure justice, reparations, and accountability, and to ensure meaningful and significant structural changes.   

Systemic Justice will bring BIPOC leaders in Europe’s climate justice movement together, with the objective to build a positive vision for climate work that responds to the intersecting and disproportionate harms BIPOC communities face due to the climate crisis.  

Are you a BIPOC climate justice leader interested in joining us at the Summit? Please, reach out to us at   

The Summit is part of our broader initiative to build a shared vision of true climate justice amongst BIPOC organisations and youth initiatives. Read more about it here