Centring people, joy, and growth in how we work

The concept of guardianship underlines the importance of building an organisational culture that enables pursuing the mission, allowing individuals to step in and out of that guardian role along the way.
What have we learned so far from consulting with communities: a “work in progress” blueprint

A blueprint of our learnings along the way as we build our work with community partners, that we believe it is important to share openly so we can all work to do better.
Movement lawyering in dialogue with community-driven litigation

A variety of terms frequently pop up in discussions around using the courts to bring about social change. In this piece, we are exploring one such term that frequently comes up in the context of our work: “movement lawyering”, a term that has grown in popularity over recent years and has started to gain greater traction in Europe, including by institutions engaged in or supporting litigation work. But what does it mean?
Remedies: Justice requires so much more than “compensation”

What are we asking the court to do if they find in favour of our claim? As we develop litigation work with community partners, these considerations on the request for remedies will be a crucial part of the exploration process.
Rethinking what “success” in litigation campaigns means

The previous post in this series looked at the principles underpinning our approach to community-driven litigation, and the building blocks for the process we’re developing to ensure communities are leading in the litigation work that concerns them. We cannot yet say what the cases will look like –– that is the point, as the casework […]
Our vision for community-driven litigation

We believe that communities should be leading the litigation campaigns that concern them. But what does community-driven litigation entail?