Reclaiming Climate Justice Summit: building our collective power as Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour climate justice activists

“Togetherness.” “Sunshine.” “Community care.” “That we are powerful.” These are some of the responses participants shared on what they were grateful for as they were leaving the Reclaiming Climate Justice Summit, which we had the pleasure of hosting by the Danish coast in the third week of October. Over the course of 3 days, 23 […]
Community visions for liberation: strategy, creativity, and joy

Last week, we held our very first in person community event “Community visions for liberation: towards racial, social, and economic justice in Europe”, and it was a truly inspiring and energising experience. The first evening brought together 80 people in the Miriam Makeba Hall at the Berlin Global Village, with people from across Europe joining […]
Case study: building our organisational culture

“To do things differently, we also have to be a different kind of organisation. How can we build an organisation that lives its values of anti-oppression, justice, and intersectionality not only in how it approaches working with the communities it seeks to serve, but also in the way it works internally, in its systems, processes, […]
Imagining change for the world and ourselves

“If you could change the way one system currently works, what would it be and why?” This question, put to us at our recent team retreat by Lea Jovy-Ford from Mission Equality, asked us to imagine what the systems we live and work in would look like if they had not been built by colonialism […]
Celebrating two years of work: small but mighty, and why there should be more like us

Systemic Justice celebrates its second anniversary. The organisation was founded on the recognition that real, systemic change requires challenging the status quo; that it requires tackling root causes in an intersectional and community-driven way.
Public Law Project keynote: The Future of Strategic Litigation

Our approach at Systemic Justice is to empower marginalised communities fighting for racial, social, and economic justice. We believe in a future where communities lead strategic litigation on their terms.