Welcome to Whose planet? The climate justice podcast

Whose planet? is a three-part series coproduced by Systemic Justice and Tortoise Media. In this series, we explore the intersectional realities of the climate crisis and amplify the voices of those most impacted by it.  

The podcast aims to shed light on the lived experiences of marginalised communities who bear the brunt of environmental degradation yet have the least power to influence the policies that shape our future. 

Why listen to Whose planet?

The climate crisis is not an abstract threat—it’s a daily reality for many around the world. Its impacts are far from equal. Worsening air quality, rising sea levels, and the green energy transition disproportionately affect society’s most vulnerable groups. These communities often lack the power to influence decision-making, but continue their fight: from Bonaire to London and other parts of the world. Tune in to hear personal stories and in-depth interviews centering the experiences of those on the frontlines. 

In Whose planet? The climate justice podcast, each episode addresses a crucial aspect of the climate crisis. We start with the struggle for clean air across Europe, shining a light on grassroots campaigns that confront the harsh realities of air pollution, where poverty, race, and class intersect, creating significant challenges for activists.

Next, we explore island communities facing the immediate threat of rising sea levels, exposing the devastating consequences of climate-induced displacement and the urgent need for global accountability. In the last episode, we examine the green energy transition, investigating its unintended effects on marginalised communities and underscoring the importance of placing justice at the heart of sustainable policy-making. 

Subscribe now to be part of the conversation and stay informed on how communities worldwide are fighting for their planet—and ours.