Celebrating two years of work: small but mighty, and why there should be more like us

Systemic Justice celebrates its second anniversary. The organisation was founded on the recognition that real, systemic change requires challenging the status quo; that it requires tackling root causes in an intersectional and community-driven way.
The struggle for community land and rights of nature

Achieving climate justice requires so much more than adopting mitigation and adaptation measures, or setting targets for net zero. It requires a complete overhaul of the status quo to address the historical conditions and systems of oppression that have fuelled the climate crisis. This includes the dismantling of (neo)colonial capitalist structures that are baked into our laws, and replacing them with legal frameworks that properly honour communities and protect our planet, such as the proper recognition of community land and the rights of nature.
Coming soon:“Community toolkit for change: resources for leveraging the courts”

How can communities fighting for justice leverage the full power of litigation for their causes and campaigns? We’ve developed our first series of resources to start building up a community toolkit for change.
Public Law Project keynote: The Future of Strategic Litigation

Our approach at Systemic Justice is to empower marginalised communities fighting for racial, social, and economic justice. We believe in a future where communities lead strategic litigation on their terms.
Bringing our collective vision to life: the Community of Practice one year on

Our second in-person retreat of the Community of Practice has just come to a close, marking the first anniversary of this Community of lawyers, litigators, and litigating organisations.
Looking ahead: a glimpse into our second Community of Practice retreat

Here’s what to expect and look forward to during our second Community of Practice retreat.