A tool in the toolbox: putting litigation at the service of communities
This toolkit seeks to demystify and deconstruct how the law and litigation can be used strategically to push for change on communities’ own terms, and includes a guide for legal action, a glossary of essential legal terms, and a conversation starter for communities to begin exploring the potential of litigation in their own spaces.
Coming soon:“Community toolkit for change: resources for leveraging the courts”
How can communities fighting for justice leverage the full power of litigation for their causes and campaigns? We’ve developed our first series of resources to start building up a community toolkit for change.
Putting communities in the driver’s seat: Building knowledge and power on strategic litigation
“We have the feeling that strategic litigation is something very big and distant, out of reach for most grassroots collectives.” – Survey Response Communities should be able to use litigation as a tool for change in their fight for racial, social, and economic justice. Right now, that’s not the case, but our work is changing […]